Friday, 15 March 2013

New pope - no change - why care?

The title is a little unfair. There will, we are told, be change. However, the change will apparently be in the running of the Vatican and the outward style of the papacy; not in the spiritual foundations, philosophy and message of the organisation.

Let's face it: the RC multi-national state is like a socialist bureaucracy. Its equivalent in China is the Chinese Communist Party. It will change only what suits it in its constant efforts to maintain its control. On the other hand, the RC multi-national sect is also like a multi-national corporation. It regularly rebrands in order to increase its power or whenever things go wrong.

Why is this important?

The answer is simple. The world at large associates "the church" with politics and business, and the result of all this meaningless hullabaloo over a new pope is to reinforce that impression. It goes well beyond the Vatican. Few people outside denominations and local churches see much difference betweeen one Christian organisation and another. They are all seen as being similarly judgemental and hypocritical. Most people, and this includes a huge number of professing Christians, think that the political and business model of the RC sect (or something remarkably similar, albeit in different brand colours) is what Jesus is all about. And I repeat, this applies to all denominations, old and new. 

Jesus was never about denominations. Not only did he never teach such a concept; he actively and vehemently taught against it. 

I am not writing in favour of ecumenism, which is a total distraction from what is required. What is needed is for denominations of all shades is to dissolve, for local churches to close their buildings, members of hierarchies to renounce their titles and powers, and everyone who professes to follow Jesus to do precisely that. Following Jesus is not about turning up on a Sunday, attending a prayer group, sharing common rituals and liturgies, wearing symbols or following shared social norms, and is not about organised political action or ethical spending. None of these things is intrinsically wrong, bu nobody, unless they choose to be perverse in their interpretations, can conceivably read the teachings and example of Jesus in the four gospels in such a way. 

Yahweh is patient, but he is not forgetful; he is forgiving, but not a doormat. Jesus said that there is only one sin (i.e. rejection of Yahweh's authority and will) that is unforgiveable. The so-called "unforgiveable sin", is to "blaspheme the Holy Spirit". Blasphemy is not the same as profanity; it means to misuse or usurp the authority of the HS, to make false claims or justify self by claiming the HS's guidance; it means to claim falsely that your authority is his authority. This is what denominations and those in their hierarchies do with alarming certainty and regularity. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes on the day of judgement!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

New pope loves gays and women...

It might come true, though I have to admit it's unlikely.  Still, we're all allowed to dream. If you like your dreams to be visual, have a look at this wonderful cartoon!

The more likely outcome of the conclave is that we'll see a continuation of what has happened over roughly the past 1,700 years. The RC sect/state has protected and furthered its own politial and economic ends since the Roman empire under Constantine made "Christianity" the official religion. When later emperors tried to reverse that decision they came up against a formidable machine - part political, part commercial, part mafia, and very little that could legitimately be called spiritual. 

Throughout its history it has ruthlessly stamped on anyone and anything that questions its self-declared authority. The Vatican wants the earth to be the centre of the universe? Result - persecute those who provide reliable evidence to the contrary. The Vatican decides it can sell forgiveness? Result - crack down on those who suggest otherwise. And so it continues.

Of course, when it suits them, popes have changed what was previously declared to be God's perfect and unchangeable word. Like most autocracies, the Vatican manages to be all things to all people. In countries where contraception is commonly used by members, the Vatican stays remarkably quiet on the subject. To do otherwise might lose members. Elsewhere, including in areas with AIDS at epidemic levels, it is as strict as ever in its insistence that contraception is evil.

The idea of equality for women and gays will eventually be acccepted by the Vatican, but only in countries where it is essential to the organisation's survival. Should the new pope declare that, for example, women will be allowed to "train for the priesthood" or that priests will be allowed to marry don't fall into the trap of thinking that the Vatican has undergone a cultural change. The purpose will be the same - to protect the power of the sect/state. Whatever the justification offered, we must never forget that the Vatican is masterful at spin.

We can dream that the new pope will dissolve the whole structure and urge members to follow Jesus instead of "Mother Church", and prioritise the teachings of the bible over "church teachings". The pope himself, the curia, ardinals, bishops, priests and anyone else in the hierarchy and bureaucracy should 'seek first the kingdom of God' instead of the Vatican state.