So now we hear that in the 1950s a number of homosexuals were castrated in the Netherlands in Catholic psychiatric care. As if this isn't disturbing enough, we are told that for some of them it was also a punishment for daring to speak out about sexual abuse during their childhood in Catholic care homes.
Now, I realise that the Catholic hierarchy has spoken out against child abuse and the physical mistreatment of gay people, albeit rather belatedly and under extreme pressure, but I have seen no sign of true repentance. The main response of the hierarchy, which is transmitted on to the millions of Catholic laity, is self protection. It's no good harping on about the past. We have changed. Let's look to the future.
On the other hand, the Catholic hierarchy is happy to shout stridently on subjects such as the sanctity of marriage and the abortion industry. Can they not see their hypocrisy? Why should any sane person believe that they have any moral or spiritual authority?
It sickens me that people who claim to be proclaiming Jesus behave in this manner. But then, perhaps that is what one should expect when commerce, politics and power are the main driving forces behind an unscriptural denominational institution.
Paul had a tongue-in-cheek answer for those who were misleading the Galatians into legalism - the same sort of salvation-by-rules seen in the Catholic and many other sects. In a side swipe at their insistence on circumcision, he said he wished they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves. But no doubt the Catholic hierarchy will take every care to ensure that the castraters of the 1950s are kept safe and in one piece.
The hypocrasy is staggering.