Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Hurricane Sandy - God's wrath or bigots' excuse?

Why is it that natural disasters are picked on by certain groups as being demonstrations of God's displeasure? What really intrigues me is that God's wrath always appears to be aimed at those of whom these groups disapprove. I ask, with a tone of irony, could this be some remarkable coincidence?

As Hurricane Sandy moved inexorably towards the Atlantic coast of the USA the religious doomsayers crawled out of their holes in the wordwork. 'Sandy is judgement on the gays!' 'This is punishment for successive governments allowing abortion!' 'The strength of God's hatred of Islam is demonstrated in Sandy's power!' ' 'Repent! Sandy is at hand!'

What dribbling, babbling nonsense! Any divine judgement on gays and everyone else will be before the throne of judgement, not through a hurricane that only hits a small proportion of gays or anyone else in the world. Hurricanes happen in countries that do not allow abortion, happened before America allowed abortion, and the weather is normal most of the time everywhere, whether governments allow abortion or not. If God hates Islam so much you might think he would start delivering hurricanes to the Middle East, North and East Africa and large swathes of Asia, and presumably create mini tornadoes for smaller communities spread around the world.

Do those who shout about God's wrath believe that their message will persuade others to 'come to God'? It didn't seem to work in Old Testament times, so why should it do so now? The Israelites constantly repented and rebelled in a never-ending cycle; frightened by apparent divine punishment, they repented; basking in a land of plenty, they rebelled against the strictures placed upon them. The New Testament tells us, we are not able to keep the OT laws. Fear doesn't work except in the short term. It produces an immediate, but shallow, form of regret and encourages an attempt at reform. Lasting repentance - let's say that again, repentance that lasts - is only possible through the love of Jesus. Fear fails; love lives.

Now that the huricane has hit the coast we know that it is causing destruction and death. It is horrible, but it is the nature of the natural world. Let's explain it as it is, though, not offer explanations based on superstition. And let's tell people about the love of Jesus, not about indescriminate punishments meted out by a god who is oblivious of collateral damage and yet still persists in targeting those of whom I or you or some other religious fool disapproves.

In reality, Yahweh is very good at hitting targets, but it is with love, not hatred. Jesus came to save, not to condemn.

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