It has surprised me that the first time I have seen any reference to conspiracy theories is in today's newspaper. Of course, I may have missed an earlier article, but the mainstream media seem to have focused so far on what a holy and lovely chap Benedict is, as well as speculating on his succcessor. Why the delay in what is so obviously a good story? The media isn't usually shy about promoting controversy!
In truth, serious journalists should probably ignore conspiracy theories about the pope's resignation and focus on the more enormous Roman Catholic conspiracies that directly affect millions of lives every day.
- Contraception - the conspiracy to maintain numbers, reduce libertarian education and keep a power base in the developing world; largely ignored in N. America, W. Europe and Australasia.
- Re-writing history - the conspiracy to make itself appear not only institutionally innocent but even persecuted in matters such as child abuse; the pretense that institutional failure and corruption is really just a few bad apples.
- Patriarchy - the conspiracy to keep women out of anything important; closely connected with the wider conspiracy to make scripture say whatever the institution wants about itself.
- Confession and the monopoly on forgiveness - the conspiracy to maintain control of congregants' lives, donations and speech.